Download Gif Recorder

Brief Description

Gif Screen Recorder and editor. Unlimited time trial. With unregistered versions a watermark is added to the resulting screencast.

Quick Details

File Name: gifrecordersetup.exe
Msi file: - useful for administrators
Date Published: 30dec22
Language: English
Download Size: 1.676 kb

System Requirements

The software can be used with Windows XP (SP3), VISTA, Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10 and 11.

Uses NET Framework 4.6.1 or later -if missing it is automatically installed by setup program.

Instructions for use

You can install from either the setup, or use the portable version.

Install using setup:

Run the setup program to install the Gif Recorder software.

Install Portable version:

Using the portable version has the advantage of being able to simply drop the files from a zip and use them without needing to run an installation program and changes to the registry of your computer, the IT department having to make changes to the profile. It does however have some disadvantages. The program does not start from the Start menu and the Gif Editor is not added to the programs that can open gif files using 'Open with'. To install the portable version:

  1. Verify you have NET Framework 4.0 available on your computer.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file in a suitable folder (\Gif Recorder),
  3. Create shortcuts from the files GifRecorder.exe and animatedgifeditor.exe to your desktop. Optionally change the shortcut titles to Gif Recorder and Animated Gif Editor

After having this done you can start using the programs.

How to page to get you started: